Monthly Archives: September 2019

Stroke Save Award

Stroke Save Award Over the summer, CFD2 members Captain Mark Adwell, A/O Rich Hart, and Firefighters John Dougan and Charlie Hiersche along with Med-Act's Lt Pierce and PM Burns were presented with KU Health System's second ever Stroke Save Award for care they provided to a stroke patient. They were also invited to present the coin toss at the 9/22 Chief's game. Thanks our CFD2 and Med-Act first responders for their excellent care!

2019-10-16T14:12:56+00:00September 22nd, 2019|

Stair Climb

Stair Climb Six of our valued Firefighters completed the Kansas City 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb to honor those who gave it all for those we serve. Great job by our members, as well as many of our partners and friends in service, who made up the 343 that climb 110 stories in full gear to honor the fallen today!Please keep the families and friends of the fallen in your thoughts and prayers, as well as the survivors who deal with horrible effects of the mental, physical and medical damages they suffer, or have suffered.

2019-10-16T14:10:47+00:00September 11th, 2019|
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