Frequently Asked Questions2025-01-07T17:44:36+00:00

Frequently Asked Questions

CFD2 requires that applicants are at least 18 years of age, have a valid driver’s license, have FFI, FFII, HazMat Awareness and HazMat Operations certifications, are a certified EMT or Paramedic, have a passing score of 75% or above on the Fire Service Entrance Exam, and have passed the Candidate Physical Agility Test (CPAT) within the year prior to applying.

These requirements apply to the use and storage of barbeques on balconies, patios, and decks of residential Apartment buildings

Fire Code Requirements

Charcoal burners and other open-flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within ten (10) feet of combustible construction. [Exceptions: 1) One- and two-family dwellings; and 2) Where buildings, balconies, and decks are protected by an automatic sprinkler system.]

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) burners having a LPG container with a water capacity greater than two and one half (2.5) pounds (i.e., nominal 1 pound LPG capacity) shall not be located on combustible balconies or within ten (10) feet of combustible construction. [Exception: Single- and two-family dwellings.]

Electric grills are allowed to be used on combustible balconies.

Summary of Code Requirements

Open-Flame Cooking Devices: It is not acceptable to operate a charcoal barbeque unit on a combustible (e.g., wood) balcony or within 10 feet of combustible construction, including the surrounding walls and overhang. It is acceptable to operate such a barbeque on a balcony if the balcony, deck, overhang, and adjacent walls are of non-combustible construction, or if the balcony is protected overhead by an automatic fire sprinkler system. Storage of a charcoal barbeque unit on a combustible balcony is allowed.

LPG Fueled Cooking Devices: It is not acceptable to store or operate an LPG barbecue with a Propane fuel container size greater than 1 pound on a combustible balcony or within 10 feet of combustible construction, including the surrounding walls and overhang.


Bonfires are only allowed in the Fire District with a permit.  A permit can be obtained through City Hall of the city where the bonfire will be held.  Bonfires cannot be built within 50 feet of a structure or combustible material.  Conditions which could cause a fire to spread within 50 feet of a structure shall be eliminated prior to ignition.  Means of extinguishment must be readily accessible at all times.  CFD2 will attend bonfires within the District.

Recreational fires (small camp fires, chimineas) are allowed within the Fire District, however the following stipulations apply:

1. The fire must be continuously attended.

2. There must be a garden hose or fire extinguisher nearby.

3. The fire cannot be built within 25 feet of a structure or any combustible material.

4. Conditions which could cause a fire to spread within 25 feet shall be eliminated prior to ignition.

5. Only firewood, tree limbs, and branches shall be used as burning materials.  Yard waste, paper, and other combustible materials are prohibited.

A nuisance clause applies to recreational fires.  If anyone complains about the smoke of a legal recreational fire, CFD2 is obligated to extinguish it.

No, open burning is not allowed anywhere within the Fire District.  While it is allowed by the International Fire Code, it has been removed by way of local ordinance in every city CFD2 covers.

Keep all windows and doors closed, exit the house and call 911 from a neighbors house or a cell phone. Doors and windows are left closed so that firefighters can get an actual reading and try and locate the problem. If the house is vented, firefighters will detect lower readings if there is a problem.

Anytime a fire alarm goes off you should evacuate the building until the fire department arrives on scene and gives an all clear that the building is safe to return to. Do not attempt to reset the alarm. This can make it difficult for the fire department to determine what the cause of the activation was.

Batteries in smoke detectors should be changed twice a year, it is easy to remember that when you change your clocks to also change the batteries in smoke detectors.

CFD2 does not recommend the use of child locator decals. Firefighters thoroughly perform search and rescue in the event of a fire. Parents should be aware of safety concerns when using child locater decals per the Home Safety Council, the decals may signal intruders to an area of vulnerability in the home, especially where children are sleeping. Rather than using these decals, it is recommended to teach children home fire safety.

Consolidated Fire District 2 wants to help ensure that everyone has working smoke detectors in their home. We will provide smoke detectors at no charge to residents of the fire district who are in need and see that they are properly installed. Please contact us at 913-432-1105 or at for further information.

CFD2 does not offer certified CPR training however as a HeartSafe program partner we do offer training on hands only CPR and recognizing the signs and symptoms of a heart attack. Contact us at 913-432-1105 or at for more information.  You can find certified CPR classes through Johnson County MedAct.

No, we do not service fire extinguishers.  For service, contact one of the many certified fire extinguisher companies in the local area.

No, there is no charge when a fire truck responds to a call. Fire service is funded by tax dollars.

Fire protection is funded through property tax dollars. The portion of property taxes that goes to fire service is determined by the current mill levy. One mil is one dollar per 1000 dollars of assessed value. The current mill levy for Consolidated Fire District 2 is 10.007. Below is a list of properties of varied values and the amount paid for fire service based upon the current mill levy.

Assessed Value Tax for Fire Service
$800,000 $920.64
$600,000 $690.48
$300,000 $345.24

All CFD2 firefighters are certified emergency medical technicians (EMTs). Many times a fire apparatus is closer to the emergency than an ambulance. Firefighters/EMTs can provide valuable medical care while the paramedics are en route to the call and can also assist the paramedics on scene with patient care and patient transport.

Because the crews work a 24-hour shift, they must eat their lunch and dinner at the station and they do pay for their own food.  Firefighters on duty will often eat their meals together as a group so occasionally a truck will make a quick trip to the grocery store to purchase the food for the shift. All crews remain in service to respond to calls during this time.

Yes we are happy to send a fire truck and crew to speak to residents, students, and businesses at a variety of venues and events.  We take these opportunities to educate about fire safety, emergency preparedness and the service we provide.  We do not attend birthday parties as we do want to keep our crews available for these educational opportunities.  As always emergency calls are our first priority and any scheduled fire truck visit can be interrupted when an emergency occurs.  Please call 913-432-1105 or email us at to request a fire truck visit or a visit from our fire service professionals.

Yes, we are happy to provide tours of any of our three stations, seven days a week.  Please call 913-432-1105 or email us at to schedule a tour.

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